Fashion? Trying too hard…

This is an interesting one for me, and is one inspired by a blog that I have just read about what to wear for your body shape. I have spent the last 10 years everyday deciding what to wear, worrying about what I look like and desperately trying to find an image.

I have a friend who wears ridiculous things, every pattern, fabric, colour you can imagine and flings it all into one outfit totally effortlessly. I have tried this – I looked ridiculous. This picture below is a classic example. I am the one on the far right. My second year of university. I thought this denim jumpsuit and bandana looked really cool. Well, I didn’t. But I thought that everyone else would think I was super edgy and alternative: the total wrong reason to wear something!


I have also tried the minimalist look – tapered trousers and a white blouse, well my big boobs and very short legs made this also look silly.

I have desperately tried to copy fashions and styles in order to forge my own and it has never really worked. I would absolute love to have Gok Wan come in and give me a capsule wardrobe so that I did not stare blankly into my wardrobe everyday wondering what to wear. I would also love to start completely from scratch. However, I guess all of this makes me totally normal. Sometimes I look nicer than others, most days I was not to shove on leggings and a jumper and my old trainers because hey, it’s super comfy.

But I do want to forge a bit more a style for myself. And I am calling out for advice on this one…

Help a girl out who tries excessively hard…

Any advice would be much appreciated!
